Færsluflokkur: Bloggar
17.3.2008 | 11:47
Lýðræði og Lyfjahjólið.
Democracy kom út 1997. Hún er þó af mörgum talin með slakari plötum Killing Joke og vakti litla athygli, en það skín þó vissulega í snilldina inn á milli. Þetta er eina platan með þeim þar sem kassagítar er eitthvað notaður og er aðeins búið að slaka á þungarokks/industrial danstónlistarkeyrslunni sem einkenndi Pandemonium og virðist léttara yfir mönnum en oft áður þó að textarnir séu enþá sterkir og gagnrýnir.
Af þessari plötu var aðeins gert eitt myndband, við titillagið Democracy, en viðlagið er eitt það flottasta sem ég hef heyrt.
You have a choice, we are your voice
Red, blue or yellow.
We will ridicule away the green
Another five lane motorway
(You'll never get a referendum anyway)
Funny handshakes. insider dealing
Et in arcadia. arcadia ego
Backhanders and salamanders
A powerhouse that is morally
I'm sorry democracy is changing
I'm sorry democracy is changing
I'm not a slogan or a badge
Or a cross in the ballot box
Neither values or objectives
You do not represent my deepest
Thoughts and wishes
Education in obsolete skills
Stereotyping and media projection
Industrial psychologists
Plan a campaign that is financed by
Big business
You have a choice, we are your voice
Red, blue or yellow.
We will ridicule the green
Another five lane motorway
(You'll never get a referendum anyway)
It's the age of cvs
Contract to contract
And my stress levels rise
This is a job for life
(there are no jobs for life)
I am forced to a decision
I am forced to see the other side
I can see a way out of here
I can see a way out of here
Placards of prophets
And great leaders of men
Personality cults
All over again
(but) we'll build shrines for our loved ones
We'll burn fires and lights
And we'll talk of the old ways
To find new ways that might...
...they just might
In the villages and hills
On the tundra and ice
To the forests of kauri
In the paddies of rice
By the lakes on the plains
To the great mountain range
Love the land and its people
I can see a way out
With the hours that we kill
And the dreams that we hide
Of alternative life styles
This savage freedom i love
My values altered i was looking for peace
I was tired in the lands of the west.
I had to get out
I took a map, let the pendulum swing
I wrote a note, took my prayer mat and left
On a prayer and a wing
And every moment of my life
I dedicate to you
And when i fear of falling
I am in your hands
Through the archway in the city of light
The procession began
I heard their praises rise like incense to heaven
I'd awoken from a long time ago
I fell to my knees
I kissed the ground then i started to cry
And every moment of my life
I dedicate to you
And when i fear of falling
I am in your hands
So wonderful
I saw the merchants selling saffron and spice
I felt acceptance for the fate of my life
I was thirsty then i came to a spring
I had to have faith
I was hungry, you sent a stranger to me
She shared out her food
And every moment of my life
I dedicate to you
And when i fear of falling
I am in your hands
She walks up by the path
Into a mountain side
Sedona red the landscape
An offering for her life
She starts to rub her red clay
Across her fair white skin
She starts to dance and play
She plays a drum and sings
She builds a medicine wheel (4x)
He studies physics there
An undergraduate
But in the coffee shop
He talks of gaia's love
He talks of gaia's love
He talks of gaia's love
He speaks out how he feels
He turns the medicine wheel
He builds a medicine wheel (4x)
We build a medicine wheel
She builds a medicine wheel
He builds a medicine wheel
We build a medicine wheel
He wields a band of fire
To fill his heart's desire
And how the wolves they bay
He hears a brand new day
With reverence he plays his song
Stone by stone he carries on
Following some high ideal
He turns the medicine wheel
He turns a medicine wheel
He builds a medicine wheel
She builds a medicine wheel
We build a medicine wheel
He builds a medicine wheel
She builds a medicine wheel
We build a medicine wheel
We build a medicine wheel
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 11:57 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
14.3.2008 | 18:50
Öld Græðginnar.
Árið 1991 kom út platan Extremities, Dirt & Various Repressed Emotions, en þá hafði hljómsveitin ekki verið starfandi síðan Outside the Gate kom út 1987, en við gerð þeirrar plötu rak hinn ráðríki Jaz þá Paul Raven bassaleikara og Big Paul Ferguson trommuleikara úr bandinu. Outside the Gate var ekki vel tekið af aðdáendum og þótti alltof popppuð, persónulega er hún samt í miklu uppáhaldi.
En aftur að Exremities, Raven sneri aftur heim og trommuleikarinn knái Martin Atkins(PIL, Pigface, NIN og Damage Manual og fleyri) gekk til liðs við bandið og útkoman er ein albesta plata sem Killing Joke hefur gert á ferlinum.
Aðeins er til eitt myndband af þessari plötu, Money Is Not Our God.
Hér til hliðar í tónlistarspilaranum er hægt að hlusta á uppáhaldslag mitt af þessari mögnuðu skífu, Age of Greed, en þar fjallar Jaz um það í textanum hvernig misskipting og arðrán búa til hatur og óánægju.
Ten percent of the land
Is the hand that pulls the strings
Be the privileged few (to have to own to hold)
Power over the people yes yes
Power over people
Be the privileged few to have to own to hold
Money property assets before lives
Green gestures of a dying planet
An endless debate only too late
An appetite for glutony
The only way is up the only way is up
But when you are up you have to try and stay there
So you stamp and cheat on people
Champagne breakfats (rewards for the killing)
And a fast waist bulging
Indulging, in what you call good living
But most of all there is too much fat on your heart - pig
A lifestyle of cholesterol
Cross collateralized cholesterol
Saving what's left from profit margin
For what?
I'll tell you what for
For some irrelevant conscience easing charity - Why?
Just to justify! Just to justify!
Look at this utopia
A society based on solid foundations
Educate our children - educate them well
To feather the nest and fuck the rest
(Yes yes feather thenest and fuck the rest)
The waste expands
(As your waist expands)
While others stand at the back of the queue
I mean you
Still the same old security
For your creature comforts
Exchanging the hours of your life
For the cash you've already spent
Eating rubbish so you can pay the rent
Table wine once a week if you'relucky
In comparison
Privatise the people's lives
Be part of the company (or fade!)
The appliance of science to privatise their lives
Water is our business
Electricity is our business
Gas is our business
Lives are our business
Business is our business
Your money - my time
Your stinking industrial bathwater - my wine
Imbalance induces hate
How will you fill the gap
Between the endless buffet
And the scraps of food I have
I feel hate I feel hate
I feel hate I feel hate
(Don't be afraid to show your hate, hate!)
You just treat me like a commodity
You didn't know I couldn't even afford to feed my family
I just want to kill
I just want to take a gun
And put it to your head
And pull the trigger
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 18:56 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
12.3.2008 | 18:49
Tvö klassísk myndbönd frá 1985.
Bilun heimsins er yrkisefnið eins og oft áður.
Love Like Blood myndband.
We must play our lives like soldiers in the field
But life is short i'm running faster all the time
Strength and beauty destined to decay
So cut the rose in full bloom
'til the fearless come and the act is done
A love like blood, a love like blood
Everyday through all frustration and despair
Love and hate fight with burning hearts
'til legends live and man is god again
(and self-preservation rules the day no more)
We must dream of promised lands and fields
That never fade in season
As we move towards no end we learn to die
Red tears are shed on grey
Eighties myndband.
Eighties - i'm living in the eighties
Eighties - i have to push, i have to struggle
Eighties - get out of my way, i'm not for sale no more
Eighties - let's kamikaze 'til we get there
And we sang
You do it this way
Eighties - by day we run by night we dance, we do
Eighties - i'm in love with the coming race
Eighties - i've got the best, i'll take all i can get
Eighties - i'm living for the eighties
Eighties - i'm living in the eighties - i push
Eighties - i'm living
Eighties - i'm living in the eighties - i struggle
Eighties - i'm living
Eighties - i'm living
Eighties - i'm living in the eighties
Eighties - i'm living in the eighties - i push
Eighties - push, push, struggle
Eighties - i'm living
Eighties - eighties - i'm living
Eighties - i'm living in the eighties - i push
Eighties - push, push, struggle
Bloggar | Breytt s.d. kl. 18:52 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (6)
6.3.2008 | 21:57
HOSANNAS FROM THE BASEMENTS OF HELL ( ég er ekki morðingi enn)
Þar sem ný plata er í smíðum hjá Killing Joke er ekki úr vegi að kíkja aðeins á þá síðustu sem ber þetta ábúðarmikla og raunar nett hallærislega nafn, en hún kom út 6 Apríl 2003 hjá Cooking Vinyl í Bretlandi. "Back to basics" er frasi sem mætti nota um þennann grip, aðalega var notast við sömu eða svipaðar analog græjur við upptökurnar og í byrjun ferilsins 1979, ein rás fyrir söng, hljómborð, gítar og bassa og rest á trommurnar og náðu þannig þessum sérstaka hljóm sem einkennir diskinn. Einnig notuðu þeir sama mixermann og á fyrstu skífu þeirra. Jaz útskýrir ferlið aðeins í þessu myndbandi HÉR
Hljómsveitin var mestöll búsett í Prag á þessum tíma(Jaz og Geordie eiga þar enn heimili), Jaz var búinn að vera að starfa mikið með þarlendum tónlistamönnum í þjóðlagageiranum og fastráðið tónskáld fyrir Tékknesku Fílharmónuhljómsveitina, en hann hefur mikið verið að semja klassíska tónlist meðfram Killing Joke á seinni árum, er einnig fastráðið tónskáld fyrir Sinfóníhljómsveit Nýja - Sjálands þar sem hann á annað heimili og var nú síðast ráðinn sem tónskáld fyrir hljómsveit Evrópusambandsin, lyftu þá margir brúnum því að hann hefur oft sagt margt ófagurt um það fyrirbæri. Platan var tekinn upp í litlu og þröngu stúdíói í gömlum vínkjallara í Prag, myndbandið fyrir neðan með titillagi plötunnar er tekið upp í þessum vínkjallararanghölum og ekki hægt að segja annað en að umhverfið auki ennfrekar á dökkt og hráslagalegt andrúmsloft lagsins. Þetta er eina vídeóið sem var gert við lag af Hosaannas From The Basements of Hell.
I harbour thoughts of killing you
pour petrol on you and then on me
but then i walk down the stairs
and killing joke waits for me there
then we play - go psycho
With sticks and stones and bones beneath our homes we face ourselves
hosannas rising from the basements of hell
Anger that poisons my heart
eating your liver and heart
like voodoo just play until you bleed
lost in the noise i am free
i'm not a murderer yet
i'm not a murderer yet
With sticks and stones and bones beneath our homes we face ourselves
hosannas rising from the basements of hell
i'm not a murderer yet
i'm not a murderer yet
i'm not a murderer yet
i'm not a murderer yet
Setti inn þrjú önnur lög af þessari plötu í tónlistarspilarann til hliðar, Judas Goat, Gratitude og Invocation.
See the sleeping figures holding up the clock in Prague's old town square, blank faces of rock the wander and they follow guides - as they call then the clock starts chiming it is my wake up call
A rich man's war in poor man's blood
Silent their cries, the lost and loved
Led to the slaughter, led by false hope
Follow behind the judas goat
Parasitic humans losing all (i feel) all that we believed was true all i thought was real cheated then set up by those we trusted most bitter were the drinks of party on the host
A rich man's war in poor man's blood
Silent their cries, the lost and loved
Led to the slaughter, led by false hope
Follow behind the judas goat(x2)
Let me tell you about the hearts of my people
let me tell you of the meanings of our tribe
a dream unspoken, a promised kept the secret comes
For all the years i've watched your back and you've watched mine
we always knew the clouds would part and a golden dawn will
And when you find yourself alont the untrodden path
remember me with a smile, and drink, a gesture or a laugh
You look at me but i've been looking at you
we only were a mirror to show what you could do
o innovator, o enlightened scolar play and write
rewrite the old books, rennaisance perform new rites of light
And when you find yourself alont the untrodden path
remember me with a smile, and drink, a gesture or a laugh
The wise will redefine paradise
farmer and the visionary, a village - simple lives
adapting to strange seasons in certain remote regions
where no-one has exemption from total redemption
And when you find yourself alont the untrodden path
remember me with a smile, a drink, a gesture or a laugh
and a toast for the man who loves every hour of every day
and a feast for the friends and faces met along way
INVOCATION (Of the whore bitch goddess Babylon)
Hearts of darkness and hate
o evil, oblivion your fate
o betrayers i come a war without end
my enemy's enemy is my friend
Mankind becomes the whore
temples are empty - no law
false religions shall rise
flags of scarlet shall fly
o destroyer of world
Bloggar | Breytt 7.3.2008 kl. 14:10 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
5.3.2008 | 21:25
Jaz Coleman og Dave Grohl í stúdíóinu 2003.
Jaz útskýrir í byrjun myndbandsins hver merking hljómsveitarnafnsins Killing Joke er, allavegana fyrir honum sjálfum og Dave talar um það þegar hann og Jaz hittust í fyrsta skifti og samstarfið við Jókerana.
Bloggar | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
29.2.2008 | 19:53
Ný plata í sumar og tónleikaferð hjá Killing Joke.
Frábærar fréttir, kannski ekki síst fyrir þá sök að hljómsveitin verður eins skipuð og í upphafi, Big Paul Ferguson trommari snýr aftur,en hann hefur ekkis spilað með þeim síðan 1986-7, magnaður trommuleikari sem átti stóran þátt í að skapa hið sérstaka Killing Joke sánd með tribal bítum frá helvíti. Bassaleikarinn Youth verður líka með að sjálfsögðu þar sem Raven lést á sviplegan hátt á síðasta ári, en hann tók við af Youth þegar hann var rekinn úr hljómsveitinn eftir fræga Íslandsför Jaz og Geordie 1982. Youth sá reyndar um bassaleik á Pandemonium sem kom út 1994 og Democracy sem leit dagsins ljós 1997, þeir deildu síðan bassahlutverkinu á nafnlausu plötunni 2003, en Dave Grohl sá þá um að berja húðir og er reyndar skráður sem fullgildur meðlimur á umslagi.
Sjá fréttatilkynningu á Myspace síðu sveitarinna HÉR
Það eru ekki til mörg myndbönd með Youth á bassanum frá fyrst árum Killing Joke, hér er samt eitt, að vísu vantar Jaz þarna(hann var að þvælast á Íslandi þegar þetta var tekið upp) og Ferguson sér um sönginn og brúða stendur við hljómborðið í staðinn fyrir yfirjókerinn Jaz.
Take a walk to the new town, take a look around
Pretty road names pass us by, a foundation sound
They paint their walls and ceilings white to feel clean inside
Ten square miles so synchronized I could have cried
And the bodies go by barely half awake
Awaiting things to come again, nice things to come
It's such a nice environment I'm in
I wonder why I'm here and the bodies go by barely half awake.
All but the few ever notice anything at all, Oh dear
All but the few ever notice anything at all.
I've got a nice new wristwatch with a bright red strap
The second hand really moves quite fast - I'd never thought of that
And then I pick my picture book to compensate outside
It's back to fiction once again, I could have cried.
And the bodies go by barely half awake
Awaiting things to come again, nice things to come
It's such a nice environment I'm in
I wonder why I'm here and the bodies go by barely half awake.
All but the few ever notice anything at all, Oh dear
All but the few ever notice anything at all
Bloggar | Breytt 2.3.2008 kl. 22:57 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
25.2.2008 | 18:33
Banvænn Brandari.
Ég er að hugsa um að setja 1 til 2 ný lög regluleg í Tónlistarspilarann hér til hliðar með einu hljómsveitinn sem ég hef virkilega sterkar taugar til og á nánast allt með. Ég er að tala um Killing Joke, ansi magnaða hljómsveit sem var stofnuð á Englandi 1979 af "Jaz" Coleman hljómborðsleikara og "Big" Paul Ferguson trommuleikara, fljótlega bættust Kenneth "Geordie" Walker gítarleikar og Martin "Youth" Glover á bassa við. Jaz tók að sér sönginn þó að það hefði aldrei staðið til hjá honum og átti það eftir að reynast hárétt ákvörðun og sérstakur söngstíll hans ómissandi hluti af sjarma bandsins en vissulega langt í frá allra þó að hann geti vissulega sungið eins og engill þegar hann vill svo við hafa. Textar Jaz Coleman hafa alltaf verið afar ágengir eins og tónlistin og skilja oft mikið eftir sig þó að vissulega séu þeir ekki allir snilld eins og gengur og gerist, en alltaf áhugaverðir. Reyni ég líka að koma með einhverja fróðleiksmola í flestum færslum þegar ég set upp ný lög, af nógu er að taka af löngum og skrautlegum ferli og Jaz frægur fyrir kaldhæðni og yfirlýsingagleði í viðtölum og á sviði, afar þversagnakenndur persónuleiki og maður ekki einhamur.
Killing Joke er enn starfandi og gáfu síðast út plötu árið 2006, afar þunga og dökka sem var fyrst og fremst stíluð inná harða aðdáendur frekar en að vinna nýja hlustendur og er langt í frá heppilegasta platan til að byrja á þekki maður ekki hljómsveitina fyrir, hún hefur ekki fengist í plötuverslunum hér á landi, en hægt er að panta eintak hjá Amazon.com .
Tékkið á laginu The Wait í spilaranum, en það er af fyrstu stóru plötu Killing Joke sem kom út 1980, en Metallica gerði ábreiðu af laginu sem er að finna á Garage Inc., síðan verður tónspilarinn uppfærður nokkuð reglulega vonandi og læt ég myndbönd og texta fylgja með eftir föngum...vonandi að einhverjir hafi gaman af þessu áhugamáli mínu.
My [tiv's] changing
Day to day
The fiery kisses
Fast decay
I look up the river
My firm thoughts down
The block they've poisoned
Gotta sit tight
The wait
Odd awakening
The silence grows
Screams outside
Distortion shows
New jump force
Bad bad billys
It's just another [vine]
Of distorted greed
The wait
The atmosphere's strange
Out on the town
Music for pleasure
It's not music no more
Music to dance to
Music to move
This is music to march to
IT'S a war dance
A war dance
Look at the victim
Scrawled on the wall
You know the the reason
Outside the door
You got something
Nasty in your mind
Trying to get out
IT'S a war dance
A war dance
We walk round the pitch
Honesty is sick
Try to be honest
Look what you get
The food runs short
And then the money talks
One way out
A war dance
Live upptaka frá 25 ára afmælistónlekum Killing Joke í Shepard´s Bush London árið 2005.
...og eldri tónleikaupptaka af Wardance, Brixton Ace 1982, fyrst heyrist endirinn á We Have Joy en Wardance byrjar eftir 38 sekúndur.
Bloggar | Breytt 2.3.2008 kl. 22:53 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)