Fćrsluflokkur: Stjórnmál og samfélag
21.4.2010 | 20:47
Killing Joke - Blood On Your Hands
22.11.2009 | 18:58
Mixing with Malthusians - Spiked
Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 19:00 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
20.10.2009 | 14:09
Jaz Coleman spáir fyrir um vandrćđi heimsins í viđtali 2005
Forsprakki hinna kyngimögnuđu Killing Joke bendir einnig á ţađ í viđtalinu hvernig skuldir eru lykilatriđi í ţrćlahaldi nútímans og ýmislegt fleyra fróđlegt, lćtur Sir Bob Geldof fá ţađ óţvegiđ og Bono einnig.
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253 milljarđa skuldbinding |
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt |
19.11.2008 | 17:49
Killing Joke - Savage Freedom - Remix
Ansi skemmtilegt 9 mínútna remix af Savage Freedom, byrjunarlagi Democracy, myndbandiđ flott líka.
It's the age of cvs
Contract to contract
And my stress levels rise
This is a job for life
(there are no jobs for life)
I am forced to a decision
I am forced to see the other side
I can see a way out of here
I can see a way out of here
Placards of prophets
And great leaders of men
Personality cults
All over again
(but) we'll build shrines for our loved ones
We'll burn fires and lights
And we'll talk of the old ways
To find new ways that might...
...they just might
In the villages and hills
On the tundra and ice
To the forests of kauri
In the paddies of rice
By the lakes on the plains
To the great mountain range
Love the land and its people
I can see a way out
With the hours that we kill
And the dreams that we hide
Of alternative life styles
This savage freedom i love
Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 18:44 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
28.10.2008 | 22:48
Sorrý, Lýđrćđiđ er ađ breytast.
Red, blue or yellow.
We will blow away the green
Another five lane motorway
(You'll never get a referendum anyway)
Funny handshakes. insider dealing
Et in arcadia. arcadia ego
Backhanders and salamanders
A powerhouse that is morally
I'm sorry democracy is changing
I'm sorry democracy is changing
I'm not a slogan or a badge
Or a cross in the ballot box
Neither values or objectives
You do not represent my deepest
Thoughts and wishes
Education in obsolete skills
Stereotyping and media projection
Industrial psychologists
Plan a campaign that is financed by
Big business
You have a choice, we are your voice
Red, blue or yellow.
We will blow away the green
Another five lane motorway
(You'll never get a referendum anyway)
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Vaxtahćkkun vegna IMF |
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt |
Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 22:50 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
28.10.2008 | 21:36
Fylgiđ Leiđtogunum....til helvítis.
(music to please the adolescent)
Taking the easy way out again
You just condone all that you mean
Part of the process - same old story
Follow the leaders
(look at the leaders)
Shouting about it taking the bait
Play time doesn't last forever
Walking again in the same direction
Follow the leaders
Time moves on and then you notice
The ground starts to tremble beneath your feet
(look at the leaders)
Man killed man and blood was she'd (yawn!)
And the gasps of relief at human nature like
Follow the leaders
(look at the leaders
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10% styđja Davíđ í embćtti seđlabankastjóra |
Tilkynna um óviđeigandi tengingu viđ frétt |
Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 21:37 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (4)
1.6.2008 | 17:24
UNIVERSE B ( jafnvel dauđinn deyr )
Ţetta lag frá 2006 finnst mér einfaldlega međ skemmtilegri lögum sem ég hef heyrt á ćvinni hvorki meira né minna.
Visions of a bleak future world
What is there left that we see
Unholy pylons stretch across black deserts
Mankind's reward for his greed
Through all atrocities and wickedness and strife
We'll find the meaning and the goodness in this life
Love is stronger than death
Down to my first breath
Strange aeons
Even death will die
For eternity
For eternity
For eternity
A pre-upheaval migration came
Dreamers that dream the same dream
Unoverpopulated regions where we live
Universe B can be seen
And paper money means nothing here
Far from the worker bee speech
The colony partied all through the night
While the last battle raged
Through all atrocities and wickedness and strife
We'll find the meaning and the goodness in this life
Love is stronger than death
Down to my first breath
Strange aeons
Even death will die
Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 18:16 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
1.6.2008 | 14:31
You see
You feel
You know
You're waiting
You're waiting
Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 14:32 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
5.4.2008 | 15:58
Ţetta magnađa lag og texti er af plötunni Brighter Than A Thousund Suns (1986), en plötuheitiđ skírskotar til lýsingar sjónavotts ađ kjarnorkusprengingunni í Hírósíma í Japan undir lok Seinni-Heimstyrjaldarinar. Hćgt er ađ hlusta á lagiđ í tónspilaranum til hliđar, neđsta lag.
The age of miracles, assent of man in strident tones
Realms of fantastic have been forged by folly speed and steel
Out of the cones stream forth, creation is not yet complete
New species come, old species fall to nature once again.
Now that I've found god on every side - and in every legion
Points of no return
We cross the rubicon
The shipyards blaze, vibrant arsenals wait their turn
Idols of rational worlds to worship power, to worship strength
Great crowds excited by riot, pleasure, work
Insane crusades, destructive gesture of the freedom bringers
And all the bells shall toll, as holy banners fly
And all with talk of freedom
Points of no return
We cross the rubicon
Let rage and hate of races run from Adam down
The magic of our science shines brighter than a thousand suns
Liberty in new dimensions ruthless and spectacular
Obliteration shall be poetry of 'Golden Dwans'
And as the people thrill, I stand and comprehend upon the threshold.
Points of no return
We cross the rubicon
26.2.2008 | 20:42
Mögnuđ smáskífa lítur dagsins ljós.
Ţetta er ađ mínu mati einhver magnađasta smáskífa sem gefin hefur veriđ út og umslagiđ er líka óborganlega kaldhćđiđ, Fred Astair hoppandi og dansandi yfir vígvelli og hrćjum af fallbyssufóđri.
Wardance/Pssyche var fyrsti singull Killing Joke af nafnlausri fyrstu plötu sveitarinnar og kom út hjá Malicious Damage útgáfufyrirtćkinu í Febrúar 1980, en hljómsveitin var ţá ţegar orđin nokkuđ umdeild og ţóttu plaköt og tónleikaauglýsingar ţeirra ansi stuđandi og fóru fyrir brjóstiđ á mörgum. En kaldhćđni er og hefur alltaf veriđ ađall Killing Joke...eins og snjallt nafniđ gefur reyndar til kynna.
Hér til hliđar er í spilaranum er hćgt ađ hlusta á Pssyche sem hefur alltaf veriđ í alveg sérstöku uppáhaldi á ţessum bć, bara get ekki fengiđ leiđ á ţví.
Hér er gömul tónleikaupptaka af Pssyche frá 1982.
You're alone in the pack
You're feeling like you wanna go home
You're feeling life finished,but you keep on going
The reason is there
You won't find it till you've been and gone because you're living a hoax!
Someones got you sussed!
Dull your brain, or seek inspiration
You feel illusion,and then you finally say transfer
Transorm a machine, to play with your head
So you can stand back and watch,or take part and learn
If you don't know the game,then you're still part of it
Because out on the streets it's strange
To see the show
Knowing full well that you're on the range
Dodge the bullets! or carry the gun,the choice is yours
Look at the controller
A Nazi with a social degree
A middle-class hero
A rapist with your eyes on me
A priest of masturbation,a priest yeh to the nuns you fuck
You'd wipe out spastics if you had the chance,but Jesus wouldn't like it
Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt 2.3.2008 kl. 22:43 | Slóđ | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)