Færsluflokkur: Fjölmiðlar

Mixing with Malthusians - Spiked

"You can bet that when these well-to-do worriers about the human plague on the planet talk about burdensome people causing ‘congestion, overcrowding and loss of green space’ (1), they aren’t talking about themselves, or their friends, or their neighbours, or their mistresses; they’re talking about ‘them’. You know ‘them’! The breeders, the not-sufficiently-educated, the dwellers of teeming cities, not only in Africa and Asia but in Europe and America too."

Jaz Coleman spáir fyrir um vandræði heimsins í viðtali 2005

Forsprakki hinna kyngimögnuðu Killing Joke bendir einnig á það í viðtalinu hvernig skuldir eru lykilatriði í þrælahaldi nútímans og ýmislegt fleyra fróðlegt, lætur Sir Bob Geldof fá það óþvegið og Bono einnig.


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