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13.6.2008 | 22:16
Daginn sem ég vaknaði upp á Íslandi...
...Úrdráttur úr bók eftir Jaz Coleman sem kemur út á næsta ári; "The day I woke up in Iceland was February 26th 1982, this day is significant as it is not only the day on which Ferguson and myself performed the ritual in 1979 to locate the other two and also the day of my birth. Traditionally, it is the day in the lunar calendar reserved for planting seeds, which may be seen as a symbolic metaphor." ....meira HÉR
Jaz á eyjunni sinni ástsælu á Nýja-Sjálandi.
Menning og listir | Breytt 14.6.2008 kl. 04:22 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (1)
1.6.2008 | 17:24
UNIVERSE B ( jafnvel dauðinn deyr )
Þetta lag frá 2006 finnst mér einfaldlega með skemmtilegri lögum sem ég hef heyrt á ævinni hvorki meira né minna.
Visions of a bleak future world
What is there left that we see
Unholy pylons stretch across black deserts
Mankind's reward for his greed
Through all atrocities and wickedness and strife
We'll find the meaning and the goodness in this life
Love is stronger than death
Down to my first breath
Strange aeons
Even death will die
For eternity
For eternity
For eternity
A pre-upheaval migration came
Dreamers that dream the same dream
Unoverpopulated regions where we live
Universe B can be seen
And paper money means nothing here
Far from the worker bee speech
The colony partied all through the night
While the last battle raged
Through all atrocities and wickedness and strife
We'll find the meaning and the goodness in this life
Love is stronger than death
Down to my first breath
Strange aeons
Even death will die
Menning og listir | Breytt s.d. kl. 18:16 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
1.6.2008 | 14:31
You see
You feel
You know
You're waiting
You're waiting
Menning og listir | Breytt s.d. kl. 14:32 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
27.5.2008 | 19:41
Well take it easy
While the world goes crazy
As it's just another day
And we've all been through the mangle
And our pockets are empty
But we'll live like kings and queens
Hear the choirs of noise sing
Take a load off my mind soothe me
Live like kings and queens
Well easy sleazy
In and out and back again
Feel a power running through me
And i'm alive and kicking
I accept submission
To the pleasures of the flesh
And the joy of pain
Satisfy me satisfy
Live like kings and queens
I said: "take it easy
"Sanity has come"
I can never undo
The wrong of the beginning
There's so many hungry
But i'm gonna turn a blind eye
'Cos i've got to live now
Rejoice and kill your heart 'cos i say...
Live like kings and queens
14.4.2008 | 14:20
Jaz Coleman og Sinfónískir Rolling Stones
Jaz Colemaner ekki við eina fjölina felldur í músíkinni og er afkastamikið klassískt tónskáld ásamt því að halda úti hinni goðsagnakenndu hljómsveit Killing Joke, en þeir eru nú í stúdíói á Spáni sem er í eigu bassaleikarans Youth að taka upp nýja plötu, upphaflegi trommuleikarinn Big Paul Ferguson er genginn til liðs við sveitina aftur eftir langa fjarveru, eða síðan 1987, en hann var rekinn á meðan gerð Outside The Gate stóð, en samkomulagið hjá honum og Jaz var orðið verulega slæmt þá og hafði verið um nokkurn tíma. Ferguson lýsti því síðar sem miklu áfalli þegar honum og Raven, þáverandi bassaleikara var meinaður aðgangur að stúdíóinu og sessionspilarar teknir við á bassa og trommur. En nú virðast menn vera búnir að gróa sára sinna og það verður spennandi að heyra hvernig nýja platan hljómar með uppahaflega liðskipan, en Ferguson er að mínu mati frábær trommuleikari með sérstakan stíl sem hentar Killing Joke fullkomlega, minnir oft á Sigtrygg Baldursson með Þeysurunum.
Heimildarmyndin fyrir neðan fjallar um samstarf Jaz og tveggja annara tónskálda og Sinfóníhljómsveitar Lundúna og tök þeirra á nokkrum laga Rolling Stones. Jaz hefur gert samskonar plötur með verkum The Doors (með Nigel Kennedy á fiðlu sem túlkar rödd Morrison), Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd of The Who sem hafa fengið glimrandi dóma, sérstaklega Led Zeppelin og The Doors plöturnar.
Menning og listir | Breytt s.d. kl. 14:25 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
5.4.2008 | 15:58
Þetta magnaða lag og texti er af plötunni Brighter Than A Thousund Suns (1986), en plötuheitið skírskotar til lýsingar sjónavotts að kjarnorkusprengingunni í Hírósíma í Japan undir lok Seinni-Heimstyrjaldarinar. Hægt er að hlusta á lagið í tónspilaranum til hliðar, neðsta lag.
The age of miracles, assent of man in strident tones
Realms of fantastic have been forged by folly speed and steel
Out of the cones stream forth, creation is not yet complete
New species come, old species fall to nature once again.
Now that I've found god on every side - and in every legion
Points of no return
We cross the rubicon
The shipyards blaze, vibrant arsenals wait their turn
Idols of rational worlds to worship power, to worship strength
Great crowds excited by riot, pleasure, work
Insane crusades, destructive gesture of the freedom bringers
And all the bells shall toll, as holy banners fly
And all with talk of freedom
Points of no return
We cross the rubicon
Let rage and hate of races run from Adam down
The magic of our science shines brighter than a thousand suns
Liberty in new dimensions ruthless and spectacular
Obliteration shall be poetry of 'Golden Dwans'
And as the people thrill, I stand and comprehend upon the threshold.
Points of no return
We cross the rubicon
Þessi tæplega 11 mínútna þáttur um bandið var sýndur í tilefni útkomu Extremeties, Dirt & Varoius Repressed Emoitions, plötu sem trónir á toppi míns lista yfir bestu plötur alra tíma þó að hún færir framhjá flestum á sínum tíma og var lengi vel illfáanleg, lagið Age Of Greed í tónspilaranaum til hliðar er af þessari plötu.
Hvað segir Mark Prindle um gripinn, sjá umsögn HÉR
Menning og listir | Breytt s.d. kl. 20:42 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
18.3.2008 | 19:05
Sanity - Adorations - Chessboards
Tvö myndbönd og eitt úr sjónvarpinu, öll af plötunni Brighter Than A Thousund Suns frá árinu 1996, sennilega poppuðustu plötu Killing Joke á ferlinum.
All across the scenes the statues crumble
We cherished the seconds, counted the days
And people move with lines across their faces
Embracing each other with a smile
For sanity's sake, sanity's sake, sanity's sake
For sanity's sake, sanity's sake, sanity's sake
We'll remember distant times and places
We'll remember summer sun that yields
Shed our bodies heart and soul for love's sake
Civilizations wax and wane.
Inocence will fade away like Autumn
Likewise the dream of youth, the task
And we shall be at peace upon our parting
With the thoughts of loved ones in our hearts
For sanity's sake, sanity's sake, sanity's sake
For sanity's sake, sanity's sake, sanity's sake
So let the sunrise light up the distnat shores
And we'll remember last days of Rome again.
Courage and Cowards move, heroes to ecstasy
Welcomes of war and wounds, vigil and vitcory
Structures of atoms dance, sugar towards the taster,
Prey to the predator, love as we're falling down
Through light and laughter flow, to dirge and death we go,
Mindless processions move, lanterns of burning towns,
Welcome to fray and feast, bliss in all sorrows found,
Rhythms and random moves and waves of adorations.
Patterns I'm finding
As pain and joy and sorrow mingle.
Patterns we're finding
Our faces raised in adorations.
Deserts are paradise, awake to genocides.
Delight and suffering, these roles that we have found
Nourished by food we eat, hungered by waste excrete
From apes or sons of god, let every act be sacred.
Patterns I'm finding
As pain and joy and sorrow mingle.
Patterns we're finding
Our faces raised in adorations.
CHESSBOARDS....röddin er aðeins "off" hjá Jaz þarna
We in our infancy, led down shining paths
Shine, shine, shining paths, divine our disillusion
Face our imperfection, I begin to wonder
Onion peelings scattered, we've been crying crying.
Open our eyes and tears run down
I open my eyes and tears run down
I look through your mind and tears run down
And under the skies and tears run down.
Look at our condition, stand on concrete dias
Lovers frail and naked move like pawns on chessboards
I had no idea, I had no conception
Where have we all come from? Where are we all going?
Open our eyes and tears run down
I open my eyes and tears run down
I look through your mind and tears run down
And under the skies and tears run down.
All these changes we shall witness
I will try to understand
Share your grief and your confusion, compassion in us cries
No divine intervention, only moves on black and white
Great schemes, great schemes are also made of these.
Open our eyes and tears run down
I open my eyes and tears run down
I look through your mind and tears run down
And under the skies and tears run down.
Menning og listir | Breytt s.d. kl. 19:21 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (2)
17.3.2008 | 11:47
Lýðræði og Lyfjahjólið.
Democracy kom út 1997. Hún er þó af mörgum talin með slakari plötum Killing Joke og vakti litla athygli, en það skín þó vissulega í snilldina inn á milli. Þetta er eina platan með þeim þar sem kassagítar er eitthvað notaður og er aðeins búið að slaka á þungarokks/industrial danstónlistarkeyrslunni sem einkenndi Pandemonium og virðist léttara yfir mönnum en oft áður þó að textarnir séu enþá sterkir og gagnrýnir.
Af þessari plötu var aðeins gert eitt myndband, við titillagið Democracy, en viðlagið er eitt það flottasta sem ég hef heyrt.
You have a choice, we are your voice
Red, blue or yellow.
We will ridicule away the green
Another five lane motorway
(You'll never get a referendum anyway)
Funny handshakes. insider dealing
Et in arcadia. arcadia ego
Backhanders and salamanders
A powerhouse that is morally
I'm sorry democracy is changing
I'm sorry democracy is changing
I'm not a slogan or a badge
Or a cross in the ballot box
Neither values or objectives
You do not represent my deepest
Thoughts and wishes
Education in obsolete skills
Stereotyping and media projection
Industrial psychologists
Plan a campaign that is financed by
Big business
You have a choice, we are your voice
Red, blue or yellow.
We will ridicule the green
Another five lane motorway
(You'll never get a referendum anyway)
It's the age of cvs
Contract to contract
And my stress levels rise
This is a job for life
(there are no jobs for life)
I am forced to a decision
I am forced to see the other side
I can see a way out of here
I can see a way out of here
Placards of prophets
And great leaders of men
Personality cults
All over again
(but) we'll build shrines for our loved ones
We'll burn fires and lights
And we'll talk of the old ways
To find new ways that might...
...they just might
In the villages and hills
On the tundra and ice
To the forests of kauri
In the paddies of rice
By the lakes on the plains
To the great mountain range
Love the land and its people
I can see a way out
With the hours that we kill
And the dreams that we hide
Of alternative life styles
This savage freedom i love
My values altered i was looking for peace
I was tired in the lands of the west.
I had to get out
I took a map, let the pendulum swing
I wrote a note, took my prayer mat and left
On a prayer and a wing
And every moment of my life
I dedicate to you
And when i fear of falling
I am in your hands
Through the archway in the city of light
The procession began
I heard their praises rise like incense to heaven
I'd awoken from a long time ago
I fell to my knees
I kissed the ground then i started to cry
And every moment of my life
I dedicate to you
And when i fear of falling
I am in your hands
So wonderful
I saw the merchants selling saffron and spice
I felt acceptance for the fate of my life
I was thirsty then i came to a spring
I had to have faith
I was hungry, you sent a stranger to me
She shared out her food
And every moment of my life
I dedicate to you
And when i fear of falling
I am in your hands
She walks up by the path
Into a mountain side
Sedona red the landscape
An offering for her life
She starts to rub her red clay
Across her fair white skin
She starts to dance and play
She plays a drum and sings
She builds a medicine wheel (4x)
He studies physics there
An undergraduate
But in the coffee shop
He talks of gaia's love
He talks of gaia's love
He talks of gaia's love
He speaks out how he feels
He turns the medicine wheel
He builds a medicine wheel (4x)
We build a medicine wheel
She builds a medicine wheel
He builds a medicine wheel
We build a medicine wheel
He wields a band of fire
To fill his heart's desire
And how the wolves they bay
He hears a brand new day
With reverence he plays his song
Stone by stone he carries on
Following some high ideal
He turns the medicine wheel
He turns a medicine wheel
He builds a medicine wheel
She builds a medicine wheel
We build a medicine wheel
He builds a medicine wheel
She builds a medicine wheel
We build a medicine wheel
We build a medicine wheel
Menning og listir | Breytt s.d. kl. 11:57 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)
14.3.2008 | 18:50
Öld Græðginnar.
Árið 1991 kom út platan Extremities, Dirt & Various Repressed Emotions, en þá hafði hljómsveitin ekki verið starfandi síðan Outside the Gate kom út 1987, en við gerð þeirrar plötu rak hinn ráðríki Jaz þá Paul Raven bassaleikara og Big Paul Ferguson trommuleikara úr bandinu. Outside the Gate var ekki vel tekið af aðdáendum og þótti alltof popppuð, persónulega er hún samt í miklu uppáhaldi.
En aftur að Exremities, Raven sneri aftur heim og trommuleikarinn knái Martin Atkins(PIL, Pigface, NIN og Damage Manual og fleyri) gekk til liðs við bandið og útkoman er ein albesta plata sem Killing Joke hefur gert á ferlinum.
Aðeins er til eitt myndband af þessari plötu, Money Is Not Our God.
Hér til hliðar í tónlistarspilaranum er hægt að hlusta á uppáhaldslag mitt af þessari mögnuðu skífu, Age of Greed, en þar fjallar Jaz um það í textanum hvernig misskipting og arðrán búa til hatur og óánægju.
Ten percent of the land
Is the hand that pulls the strings
Be the privileged few (to have to own to hold)
Power over the people yes yes
Power over people
Be the privileged few to have to own to hold
Money property assets before lives
Green gestures of a dying planet
An endless debate only too late
An appetite for glutony
The only way is up the only way is up
But when you are up you have to try and stay there
So you stamp and cheat on people
Champagne breakfats (rewards for the killing)
And a fast waist bulging
Indulging, in what you call good living
But most of all there is too much fat on your heart - pig
A lifestyle of cholesterol
Cross collateralized cholesterol
Saving what's left from profit margin
For what?
I'll tell you what for
For some irrelevant conscience easing charity - Why?
Just to justify! Just to justify!
Look at this utopia
A society based on solid foundations
Educate our children - educate them well
To feather the nest and fuck the rest
(Yes yes feather thenest and fuck the rest)
The waste expands
(As your waist expands)
While others stand at the back of the queue
I mean you
Still the same old security
For your creature comforts
Exchanging the hours of your life
For the cash you've already spent
Eating rubbish so you can pay the rent
Table wine once a week if you'relucky
In comparison
Privatise the people's lives
Be part of the company (or fade!)
The appliance of science to privatise their lives
Water is our business
Electricity is our business
Gas is our business
Lives are our business
Business is our business
Your money - my time
Your stinking industrial bathwater - my wine
Imbalance induces hate
How will you fill the gap
Between the endless buffet
And the scraps of food I have
I feel hate I feel hate
I feel hate I feel hate
(Don't be afraid to show your hate, hate!)
You just treat me like a commodity
You didn't know I couldn't even afford to feed my family
I just want to kill
I just want to take a gun
And put it to your head
And pull the trigger
Menning og listir | Breytt s.d. kl. 18:56 | Slóð | Facebook | Athugasemdir (0)