18.3.2008 | 19:05
Sanity - Adorations - Chessboards
Tvö myndbönd og eitt śr sjónvarpinu, öll af plötunni Brighter Than A Thousund Suns frį įrinu 1996, sennilega poppušustu plötu Killing Joke į ferlinum.
All across the scenes the statues crumble
We cherished the seconds, counted the days
And people move with lines across their faces
Embracing each other with a smile
For sanity's sake, sanity's sake, sanity's sake
For sanity's sake, sanity's sake, sanity's sake
We'll remember distant times and places
We'll remember summer sun that yields
Shed our bodies heart and soul for love's sake
Civilizations wax and wane.
Inocence will fade away like Autumn
Likewise the dream of youth, the task
And we shall be at peace upon our parting
With the thoughts of loved ones in our hearts
For sanity's sake, sanity's sake, sanity's sake
For sanity's sake, sanity's sake, sanity's sake
So let the sunrise light up the distnat shores
And we'll remember last days of Rome again.
Courage and Cowards move, heroes to ecstasy
Welcomes of war and wounds, vigil and vitcory
Structures of atoms dance, sugar towards the taster,
Prey to the predator, love as we're falling down
Through light and laughter flow, to dirge and death we go,
Mindless processions move, lanterns of burning towns,
Welcome to fray and feast, bliss in all sorrows found,
Rhythms and random moves and waves of adorations.
Patterns I'm finding
As pain and joy and sorrow mingle.
Patterns we're finding
Our faces raised in adorations.
Deserts are paradise, awake to genocides.
Delight and suffering, these roles that we have found
Nourished by food we eat, hungered by waste excrete
From apes or sons of god, let every act be sacred.
Patterns I'm finding
As pain and joy and sorrow mingle.
Patterns we're finding
Our faces raised in adorations.
CHESSBOARDS....röddin er ašeins "off" hjį Jaz žarna
We in our infancy, led down shining paths
Shine, shine, shining paths, divine our disillusion
Face our imperfection, I begin to wonder
Onion peelings scattered, we've been crying crying.
Open our eyes and tears run down
I open my eyes and tears run down
I look through your mind and tears run down
And under the skies and tears run down.
Look at our condition, stand on concrete dias
Lovers frail and naked move like pawns on chessboards
I had no idea, I had no conception
Where have we all come from? Where are we all going?
Open our eyes and tears run down
I open my eyes and tears run down
I look through your mind and tears run down
And under the skies and tears run down.
All these changes we shall witness
I will try to understand
Share your grief and your confusion, compassion in us cries
No divine intervention, only moves on black and white
Great schemes, great schemes are also made of these.
Open our eyes and tears run down
I open my eyes and tears run down
I look through your mind and tears run down
And under the skies and tears run down.
Meginflokkur: Tónlist | Aukaflokkar: Bloggar, Menning og listir | Breytt s.d. kl. 19:21 | Facebook
Blessadur Kalli og gaman ad ther likar vid hljomsveitina, eg er reyndar Georg Petur
, er uti i Amsterdam nuna med vinnufelogum, mikid gaman, mikid fjor!
SeeingRed, 21.3.2008 kl. 13:32
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.