1.6.2008 | 17:24
UNIVERSE B ( jafnvel dauđinn deyr )
Ţetta lag frá 2006 finnst mér einfaldlega međ skemmtilegri lögum sem ég hef heyrt á ćvinni hvorki meira né minna.
Visions of a bleak future world
What is there left that we see
Unholy pylons stretch across black deserts
Mankind's reward for his greed
Through all atrocities and wickedness and strife
We'll find the meaning and the goodness in this life
Love is stronger than death
Down to my first breath
Strange aeons
Even death will die
For eternity
For eternity
For eternity
A pre-upheaval migration came
Dreamers that dream the same dream
Unoverpopulated regions where we live
Universe B can be seen
And paper money means nothing here
Far from the worker bee speech
The colony partied all through the night
While the last battle raged
Through all atrocities and wickedness and strife
We'll find the meaning and the goodness in this life
Love is stronger than death
Down to my first breath
Strange aeons
Even death will die
Meginflokkur: Tónlist | Aukaflokkar: Menning og listir, Stjórnmál og samfélag | Breytt s.d. kl. 18:16 | Facebook
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