Stęršfręši Óreišunnar.

Lag til hlišar ķ tónlistarspilara, Mathematics of Chaos af Pandemonium (1994) og titillagiš af sömu plötu.


Turbulence is certainty turbulence is friction between you and me
Suffering and pain crystallised in a brain that recreates the process again
Draws borders, cites laws monopolies of food and trade start wars
Every time we try to impose order we create chaos we create chaos - breakdown

I have my doubts
A state of eternal conflict is all i have found
We build a wall that is made of tears watch the house fall down
And at the end of my life
Yes at the end of my life
All shall be well all is as it was always meant to be...

Blessed are the meek it is written they shall inherit the earth
Watch her dying of cancer after a lifetime of caring for the poor
Child with her arms blown off screams as she bleeds upon the rocks
Sickened by my self-flagellation but i don't know how to stop
Where is your love, my loving god? - breakdown

I have my doubts
[This base stand of filth] and the people around
We build a wall that is made of tears watch the house fall down
And at the end of my life
Yes at the end of my life
All shall be well all is as it was always meant to be...

Globalism and the u.n. neutralised by ethnic cleansing
Animal aggression and a mind to perceive this terminal conflict
Awareness is a curse - the more you open your eyes the more you despise
Fashioned in the creator's yolk
It must be some sort of practical joke
And in the corn, circles of chaos - breakdown





She talks of supernatural aeons that we'll make
She says "look behind the wave of changes" feel the future taking shape

I can see tomorrow
I can see the world to come
I can see tomorrow
Hear the pandemonium

I ask her of her next of kin and loved ones in her care
She gestures all around her then she whispers "everywhere
"There is no nuclear family required any more
"My parents are the village and the village is the law"

She said "unlearn you must forget the values that you hold
"Life is not longevity and beauty is the only goal"

Cymbals that crash and pipes of pan awaken from your trance
There is no retribution here see how the heathen dance

* extra lyrics -- singles only *

The prisoner sat motionless, his cell was six by four.
He walked to the horizon without walking through the door.
We found ourselves converging as we walked towards the sun.
Apart from all discussion, we were functioning as one.

I can see tomorrow
I can see the world to come
I can see tomorrow
Hear the pandemonium








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